
When does the Letterbox service start and end?

Letterbox contact starts after the adoption order has been granted in the agreed month and continues until the child turns 18.

We ask adopters to write the first letter to the birth family within the first month of an adoption order being granted. This way, birth family members can respond, to the things that the adopters are comfortable talking about. This sets an early structure to ensure that all parties are comfortable with the communication that’s taking place.

If you need to discuss any issues or changes regarding Letterbox contact prior to the adoption order, please direct this to the Childcare Social Worker. Once the adoption order has been granted, all enquires must be directed to the Letterbox team. You will be given a unique Letterbox reference number to use on all correspondence.

Letterbox carries on up to the child/young person’s 18th birthday. The Letterbox file with copies of all correspondence from both sides then becomes part of the adoption records. We keep these for 100 years from the date that the adoption order was granted.

Contact our Letterbox service by phone, post or email:

North Wales Adoption Service
Letterbox Contact Team
3rd Floor Lambpit Street
LL11 1AR

Telephone: 01978 295311

If you’re interested in adoption, need additional support, or just want to ask us some questions, we’d love to hear from you.

You can also speak to an adoption worker for an informal chat, and we can then send you an information pack.

0800 085 0774
