
Meet Jayden

Jayden is a happy, lively and mischievous little boy who has developed a lovely, close relationship with his foster family.


Jayden enjoys dancing and often shouts to Alexa to play his favourite songs. He’s an active little boy who loves being outside running, climbing and playing with a ball. He also likes to play with dolls and picnic sets, and enjoys looking at books. Whilst he’s often too busy for cuddles, he will seek comfort when he’s tired from a long day of playing.

Health & development

Jayden was born a healthy baby and has no identified health needs. His development is age appropriate, and he is up to date with all his immunisations. Jayden eats very well and has a great sleeping routine.

There are no known genetic conditions that Jayden is at risk of developing.


Jayden’s birth mother was known to Social Services throughout her childhood due to concerns regarding the chaotic home environment and her challenging behaviours which were beyond parental control. These behaviours resulted in her placing herself at risk. She has borderline learning difficulties, which is likely due to the lack of education that she received as a child.

Sadly, Jayden has experienced numerous placements within his young life. Jayden and his mother were initially placed together in a mother and baby placement however his mother left the placement of her own accord following an argument with the foster carer. Jayden was later placed with his birth father and his partner.  Unfortunately, this relationship came to an end which required Jayden to be placed with another foster family.

He has been in his current placement for the past 2 years. In this time, he has established an attachment to his foster family, and he is now a happy and content little boy.


Jayden needs a family who can continue to provide him with the love and stability he is currently receiving from his foster carers. His adoptive family will need to help him understand his life story. He would benefit from having a committed family who are able to advocate for him and ensure he receives all the support he needs.

If you’re interested in adoption, need additional support, or just want to ask us some questions, we’d love to hear from you.

You can also speak to an adoption worker for an informal chat, and we can then send you an information pack.

0800 085 0774
